Our Boston-based team supports the Massachusetts non-profit community in seeking solutions to address data collection and management needs — ranging from monitoring and evaluation (M&E) to program and grant management to fundraising and CRM. To facilitate further engagement in this community, Vera has become an Affiliate Member of the Massachusetts Nonprofit Network (MNN). MNN acts as the voice of the nonprofit sector in Massachusetts, with the goal of strengthening and uniting the sector — which comprises over 30,000 nonprofits — through advocacy, public awareness, and capacity building. With the support of more than 650 non-profit members and 750 affiliate members, MNN is working to achieve three main goals:
1) Promote the image of the non-profit sector as efficient, effective, and essential
2) Strengthen the non-profit sector by engaging members in advocacy and affecting public policy initiatives
3) Build capacity in non-profits across the state
At Vera, we’re focused on using tech for good; efficiency, efficacy, and capacity building are core tenets of our work and we look forward to collaborating with MNN and its members to achieve these goals.
This November, we’re excited to attend the 2016 MNN Annual Conference in Framingham, MA. Vera will join more than 600 non-profit and business professionals at the conference, which will feature a wide array of workshops and discussions central to this year’s theme: Moving Forward for a Better Commonwealth. We are eager to attend the conference and look forward to creating connections and building relationships to further our impact in Massachusetts. If you’re attending and would like to meet a member of the Vera team, please contact [email protected].
For more information on the Massachusetts Nonprofit Network, please visit http://massnonprofitnet.org/.