Introducing Amp Impact Nashira, named after the bright star in the Capricornus constellation. The name Nashira, meaning “bearer of good news” in Arabic reflects the valuable updates this release offers for Amp Impact users. Building on the Numerator/Denominator data type introduced in the previous release Mira, this update brings compatibility of Numerator/Denominator indicators in Amp’s Excel templates. Users can now use Target and Result templates to set targets and report results of Project Indicators with the Numerator/Denominator data type.

Nashira also provides users with the flexibility to set validation ranges for Numerator/Denominator data type Indicators, indicating whether the reported results fall within the expected range.

Here are the key updates in the Nashira release. For more information, you can read the full Release Notes.
New Features of Nashira
Refer to Calculation Factors
Users can now easily refer to the calculation factor while setting targets and reporting results, enhancing the user experience when working with Numerator/Denominator data type Indicators.

Quickly Gauge Indicator Performance with Stoplights
The indicator management functionality in Amp Impact allows users to set stoplight thresholds to visually indicate the extent to which the reported results have met targets for quantitative Indicators. This functionality has now been extended to support Numerator/Denominator Indicators.
Track Indicator Performance with Visual Performance Graphs
The Nashira release brings support for Numerator/Denominator Indicators on Amp’s Performance Graphs feature, letting users easily track results vs targets over time. On the Performance Graphs Visualforce page, users can select up to nine numerical indicators to see Targets and Results for Project Indicators across Periods. This feature offers a simple way to monitor performance and helps teams quickly understand their progress

Multi-Language Support
With Amp Impact, organizations can enter data like indicator definitions and descriptions in multiple languages, allowing users across different geographic regions to view the data in their relevant language. With Nashira, this capability now extends to Numerator/Denominator Indicators as well.
Improved Lookup Dropdowns in Lightning Web Components
Lookup dropdowns in popups of Lightning Web Components now enable system admins to specify lookup filters, displaying only relevant options to users. This improvement minimizes clutter, enhances search efficiency, and ensures more accurate data selection.
For example, while linking Accounts on the “Create New Indicator” popup, an administrator could restrict the displayed values to only ‘Partner’ type Accounts instead of displaying all the available Accounts.

Clearer Context in Lookup Dropdowns
For Amp’s Lightning Web Components, an Administrator can now specify the label to be displayed in all lookup dropdown options, providing clearer context for selections. This change improves usability, allowing users to identify the correct option at a glance rather than having to sort through records with auto-number names. An example would be selecting an Allocation record based on its Account Name (eg Bridge Foundation) as opposed to its auto-number name (eg ALL-001).
Automatic Data Refresh in Lightning Components
With Nashira, Amp’s Lightning Web Components can now be automatically refreshed from custom Flows or Apex Triggers to display updated data. This ensures that users always see the most current information, improving data accuracy and the overall user experience by eliminating the need for manual updates. For example, if an organization is using a Screen Flow to add Objectives or Activities, the Framework or Workplanning LWCs can be automatically refreshed by the Flow so they update as soon as the Flow completes.
Permissions to view/edit unlocked components
Submitted Lightning components can now remain unlocked for specific users via custom permissions. This enables seamless collaboration on submitted records, allowing designated users to make updates or changes without needing to unlock and resubmit the component.

Validation for Submission Responses
The Submission response form is now validated when submitted via a Quick Actions or Flow, ensuring that correctly filled forms are submitted even when initiated from a Quick Action or Flow.
Back-end enhancements to maintain compatibility with Salesforce’s Nonprofit Cloud
To maintain compatibility with Salesforce’s Nonprofit Cloud (NPC), several important updates have been made in Amp Impact. All Apex classes and triggers, as well as flows, have been upgraded to API version 61.0. Additionally, all Lightning Web Components (LWC) and Aura components, flexi pages, and Visualforce pages have been updated to this version. These enhancements enable users to easily refer to the latest NPC objects when creating aggregated indicators or developing Submissions templates.
For Existing Amp Impact Customers
If you are seeking to upgrade your system to Amp Impact Nashira and need support, please reach out to your Customer Success Manager for more information or contact us at [email protected].