

We’re committed to unlocking a culture of transparency and accountability across the social sector.

Vera Welcomes New Class of Fellows!

Vera takes pride in welcoming the eight members of the 2014-2015 Fellowship Program, the second cohort selected for this year-long, hands-on consulting experience. Nikhil Kalambur, Lexa Koenig, Aleksa Krolls, Caroline Liegey, Vivaan Misra, and Josh Wunderlich will be based in

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Vera Earns Second B Corp Certification

We’re proud to announce that Vera has earned its second B Corporation certification. Vera first earned the certification in 2012 from B Lab, a nonprofit organization dedicated to building a community of socially and environmentally conscious businesses. Certified B Corps

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Milaap: Connecting India’s Working Poor to Capital

Despite India’s rapidly growing economy, characterized by burgeoning middle and upper classes, widespread poverty remains endemic across the country, and especially so in rural areas. Of the country’s 269.3 million people categorized as poor, nearly 216.5 million live in rural

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Humans: There’s no App for That

“SMS makes organizations more responsive to community needs!” “Social media brings us closer to the beneficiaries of our work!” “Mobile is changing everything!” “Social entrepreneurs everywhere are measuring and scaling social impact!” A quick look at any social impact-related blog

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